Friday, July 30, 2010

Red Hot Art Festival

Hey gang!

The Mechanical Mariner boys will be at the Red Hot Art Festival this weekend along with other artists from Comic Conspiracy. The location is Stevens Square Park in Minneapolis from 11am-7pm this Saturday and 11am-5pm Sunday (July 31 and Aug. 1). The cost is free, so really, there's no reason NOT to show up! Unless your sick. Really, really sick. In that case, get better and we'll see you another time.

Kyle Field

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New news everyone!

Our next book, "Bitter Boy's Guide to Love" is off to the printers! After a thorough, grammatical rectal exam of the (blast, the devil are the called? rough print?), we'll put in the order to print off the full order. As before, if you'd like a copy, just be sure to contact Chris or myself. If you're reading this, there's a better than not chance that you'll see Chris before me. I live in a cave deep beneath the earth's surface. I only come up for vitamins and squirrel meat.

That's the news in our world, folks! In case you aren't aware, this is actually the first project I've had the pleasure of writing for that we are releasing (we have two books I previously worked on currently in the wings). So if you giggle, snicker, howl, hoot, laugh, or chuckle at the writing, that's probably me. The last book was all Chris. Oh god, I hope I don't let you down! Seriously, writing for these books has been a blast.

Later fuckwads,
Kyle Field
Patron Saint of Unemployment