Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Adventures in Paying Rent" gets reviewed!

Hey kids,

Kyle Field here again. It's come to my attention that Ted Anderson of the Minneapolis Examiner has reviewed our book. Seeing as I am very fragile, I was a tad nervous to read it, but I needn't be. Our first review was very favorable. Check it out for yourself at the link below:


Later fuckers,
Kyle Field

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Roll call!!

Hey kids,

We have been looking at our first book "Adventures in Paying Rent" for so goddamn long, we're fucking sick of it. Now we want to see what you've done! Pull those beauties off the fridge and upload your artwork to us and we'll post it on the site. Since our following is small, but growing, there is an awfully good chance your work will see the light of day!

What's the hold up? Ya scared? I'll bet your scared. Don't worry, we won't judge you. We'll, I might, Chris won't.

Send your jpg formatted artwork to:

This little beauty of vanity gone awry was done by lil' Jimmy S. age 32.

Thanks fuckers,
Kyle Field
Chris Lyons